Save time by purchasing your next vehicle at a The Wintrust authorized dealer. If you're approved, you'll receive an Approval Code that lets authorized dealers quickly retrieve your information and streamline your purchase.
Apply online – most decisions take about 60 seconds and you’ll know your monthly payment before you shop. Then use our online tools to finalize your loan quickly
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Refinancing could help you lower your rate and payment
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Now if you open a new account or need to order a replacement card, once the plastic card is ordered you can have instant access to your account without waiting for the new card to arrive in the mail through the Mobile app.
A: A digital card is a temporary solution you can request through the The Wintrust Online Banking app while you're waiting for a new or replacement debit card to arrive in the mail. It can be used to make ATM transactions and purchases in stores or online. This digital version of your debit card has the same 16-digit number as your new plastic card, but a temporary CVV and expiration date.
Please click here if you want to apply for The Wintrust Digital Card.
If you are ordering a replacement card in the Farog Mobile Banking App, you may be presented with the option to get the digital card after you place your order for a new plastic debit card. If you request a plastic debit card when you are opening an account online, you may be presented with the option to request a digital debit card in the The Wintrust Mobile Banking App after your account has been opened.
Tap the debit card image with the grey digital indicator on the Manage Card Settings page in the mobile app to reveal the card number, expiration date, and CVV. Enter these numbers at checkout when shopping online, or add your card to a digital wallet (Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Android Pay, etc.) and use it at any nearby ATM that accepts cardless transactions, as well as merchants that accept contactless digital payments.
Your digital card expires when you activate the plastic card, or on the last day of the month following the one in which it was issued. You can view your expiration date by tapping on the debit card image with the grey digital indicator on the Manage Card Setting page in the Mobile app. Activate your plastic card as soon as it arrives because once your digital card expires, it is no longer available to use.